#Super metroid randomizer no early morph ball how to#
If you haven't already, it's worth learning how to counter EMMIs before taking on this fight. After that, you need to find enough space to charge the Omega Cannon and shoot the EMMI directly in the head. Find a section of the EMMI zone with a long, flat surface, then unleash the stream attack to destroy the EMMI’s head plating. Once you’re powered up with the Omega Cannon, you need to defeat the EMMI to get the Morph Ball power. Spam missiles and charge shots at the floating brain while dodging the projectiles. The fight inside should be fairly straightforward, as it’s just a tougher version of the previous Control Unit fights you’ve done. You can then travel directly left to reach the Control Unit in the top left. In the next area, you’ll need to loop around the lower path to the left, access the upper level, head right, and climb the blue surface to the top of the EMMI zone.

You’ll need to head down through the first EMMI zone and open another Wide Beam door. The Control Unit is located in the top left corner of the EMMI zone, as shown on the map above. Returning to Cataris with the Wide Beam, you can push the block just south of the Dairon Sshuttle area to access the EMMI zone once more. Once you grab the Wide Beam, you can return directly to Cataris via shuttle and attempt to access the Control Unit within the EMMI zone. That comes after the Charge Beam, Phantom Cloak, and more, so keep trucking if you’re not up to the region yet. To take it on, however, you’ll first need to have obtained the Wide Beam in Darion.

You’ll get the Morph Ball by defeating the green EMMI robot in Cataris. The Morph Ball is a key upgrade you’ll earn as you progress through Metroid Dread.

How to get the Morph Ball in Metroid Dread If you want to access them, you’ll need to learn how to get the Morph Ball in Metroid Dread, which we’ve conveniently explained below. The most common sort of these tempting upgrades is hidden in a thin tube requiring Samus to enter her Morph Ball form. In classic form for the series, Metroid Dread teases you with a whole load of items that you won't quite be able to reach in the early stages.